Teacher monitors and assesses learners’ progress through different instructional strategies and give learners the choice to take ownership in their learning development.

This standard is important because  teachers are using multiple assessment strategies (formative, summative, e-writing and eportfolio)  and informative resources and technology to make modifications in teaching practices and instruction, to meet learners individual strengths and needs, to promote deep learning and creativity within the classroom.

Teacher develops lesson plans that includes learners to managing their time to complete the assignment (whether if is an experiment, project, or  completing an individual assignment in class) .

Artifact#1-Teacher develops a lesson plan that includes learners to complete a book review or chapter response at the end of the week. If that complete 4 book reviews or chapter responses for the whole month that are given a 100 for that assessment.

Artifact#2-Teacher creates a lesson that allow students to complete a classroom presentation on how the cells function for science class. The learner is assessed and graded on organization and communications development skills. And at the end of chapter, a test will be given.

Article#3-Teacher creates a lesson plan that includes meeting with learners to choose a topic and to discuss expectations for completing a research paper on the topic. Again, the teacher is assessing learners’ comprehension, thinking, organizational, and writing skills at the same giving the student ownership in meeting the expectations of the assignment.

Assessing, In effective lear...

Assessing, Evaluating, and Reporting Student Progress • 2 Assessing, Assessment and Evaluation ...