Teacher understands  and practice using different perspectives and make connections to the content, to engage students by allowing them to  demonstrate critical thinking  and problem solving skills  about real world issues.

This standard is important because the teacher can use outside resources to build and apply connections to the content to develop learners’ understanding of the content and to apply  it real world crises, resulting in deep thinking.

Teacher create lesson plans that allow students to use their reading,  comprehension , thinking and writing skills to complete the task at hand. This can be done by having students read and write a newspaper article or complete a mini research paper that relates to events that effect the world. It can also be a group activity for a class,  during reading time, or for a homework assignment.

Artifact#1-Teacher make connections to real world issues in lesson plans by having learners research and complete an activity on national or global issue that they find interesting.

Newspaper Worksheet | Articles for kids, Articles activities, Article writing

Article#2- Teacher develops a lesson plan that includes digital connections to apply content to global issues. This YouTube demonstrates global connections that can develop deep learning in learners.

Artifact#3-Teacher creates a lesson that allows learners to apply their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills on a global issue (group discussions, research paper, and short summary for homework). This activity will develop  comprehension  and writing skills and allow learners to think and apply what they have learned in the content area.

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