The teacher understands the central concepts and uses the  necessary tools needed  to teach his/her discipline. Teacher make it meaningful to learners and understand and provide alternative teaching strategies for learners with disabilities and diverse culture, to master content. Teacher develop lesson plans and seek out guidance and feedback from colleagues for diverse learning perspectives.

This standard is important because teachers have to be knowledgeable in their subject area to teach learners, and with the necessary tools, develop other strategies to teach content to learner and culture differences.

Teachers plans a lesson that includes activities such as role playing, for learners to understand the meaning of the content.

For example, students dress -up or are assigned character roles in a play to depict a writer’s meaning in a short story or a play.

Artifact#1– Teacher construct a lesson plan that includes some learners working individually at a computer stations while other learners are in small groups completing activity on measurements during math time.

Artifact#2-Teachers are aware of socially diverse cultures. Teachers meets with family members  to build relationships and understand diverse perspective to effectively communicate

Artifact#3-Teachers creates a lesson that demonstrates what he/she know about the subject area to make connections to the learners prior knowledge, and aware of learner and culture differences in the school community.

Domain B - Professional Development Quest Portfolio