Teacher understands how building  positive and meaningful relationships by collaborating and engaging in learning, can develop personal growth and self-motivation. Teacher builds a learning environment that is safe and adhere to school rules.

This is important because learners are developing social skills and taking ownership in their own learning while at the same keeping their learning environment safe and danger free but still actively engaging.

Teacher includes small group participation and learning, in instructional activities. Give students choices to assign and carry out responsibilities ,whether or not if it’s related to the learning objectives, to complete the task at hand. Students are actively engaging in the learning environment by thinking, listening and voicing  their own opinions to build self-esteem and personal knowledge and strengths.

Artifact#1-Teacher break learners up in groups and assign each group a paragraph or subject heading to discuss during reading time. Learners have to work together to include each others point-of view of what the paragraph is about.

Artifact#2-Teacher develops a lesson each day that include learners respecting each other’s responsibility as the classroom helpers and line front and back leaders. This gives positive learner recognition and teaches respect and fairness in the classroom environment.

Grade level: 5

Date: _____________________

Learning Objective: Today students will learn about different clouds and their names  and describe cloud characteristics on worksheet during science class. If students finish learning activity early, they can go outside for recess. Two classroom helpers for the Monday are _________________________ and _________________. Two lines leaders for Monday are_______________________________________and______________________________.

  • Get one helper,_______________to hand out paperback books on shelf. Title of book ( The Giver). Read chapters _____through_____ in textbook  for Reading and provide a reading response in journal. Sometimes they like to read together but only at their desk and quiet voices.
  •  Get one helper, ________________is usually finishes his/her reading and writing assignments earlier than what is normally expected, to hand out the pencils for math class.
  • At 10:20  a.m., it will be time to go to the library.Choose the quietest table  to line up first.
  • When the students return at 11:20 a.m., each student will need to go wash their hands, and get ready for lunch at 11:30 a.m. Choose the quietest student first. They usually do well with this choice.
  • After lunch, it is quiet/resting time. Students will either lay their heads down on desk or they may read a book in the wonderland corner
  • 1:00 p.m. in we will have reflection time. Each students will participate and tell one thing they have learned today.
  • 1:45 p.m., Students can start getting ready to pack-up  for dismissal. Buses started calling at 2:00.

Please give any feedback for today:

Amazon.com: The Giver (9780385732550): Lowry, Lois: Books

Artifact#3- Teacher builds a  learning environment that is safe and adhere to school rules by displaying classroom rules in the learning environment.

Can we design learning environments geared for maximum motivation?