The teacher understands the learner differences and recognize learning patterns within the environment to challenge each learner.

This standard is important to the classroom environment because individuals learn differently and their needs and strengths, and  emotional, social and economic backgrounds are different.

Teachers  build or construct a classroom that encompass each developmental learners’ needs and strengths to increase performance.

Teacher Include workstations and individual task for learners in his/her lesson plans. This will provide support not only by the teachers but also by peers that have similar strengths and needs.

Artifact#1 This Youtube demonstrate learner development in workstations and  teacher support and  teacher-peer student support.

Artifact#2-Teacher constructs her lesson plan to include alternatives teaching strategies and learner objectives for learner developmental needs and strengths. After the faster learners finishes writing their spelling words three times each, have them use spelling words in a complete sentence. The slow learners that have difficulty with letter or word recognition or alphabetical ordering, have learner practice putting spelling words in alphabetical order.

Lesson-Plan-Template.jpg 697×933 pixels | Teacher lesson plans template, Weekly lesson plan template, Blank lesson plan template

Spelling Words Write word in a complete sentence






Artifact#3- Compare or Assess learner development in whole group, peer-group and individually. Ask questions or seek collegial support/collaboration.