The teacher embarks on professional developmental opportunities and learning experiences and receives feedback from  his/her community, and uses feedback to include in his/her practice to meet the individual learners’ needs.

This standard is important because teachers are to set an example and take on leadership roles in their community. This motivates learners’ progress in school, and encourage them to want to be somebody by attending a vocational training program or college,  after they have finished high school. This also is important because the teacher is looked upon by learners as positive images and remodels.

Artifact#1-The teacher has  his/her class  participate in senior citizens’ day.  Students bring in soup to donate to senior citizens in their community. This teaches students that they live in a community/environment  that care and support each other to build a better world.

Artifact#2-Teacher attends a student’s soccer game when the student’s mother is unable to attend because she works at night or there are younger siblings in the home, and no babysitter.

Artifact#3– Teacher acknowledge his strengths and weaknesses in his teaching practice and seek collegial and community support to meet learners’ need.